Marriage Equality

A friend of mine posted a video about the marriage equality on the Facebook today, it’s a 14 mins video mainly discussed the marriage equality issue, and I found it quite interesting and reflective that I should share with you here. This incredible video was produced by a Taiwanese blogger called Super Y (超級歪) provided both English & Traditional Chinese subtitles. Feel free to share the video if you like it! (:

As we all know that marriage equality is a contentious topic that has long been contested by the different groups of people in terms of their family background, ethnical issue, belief or the religious concern. In my home country (Taiwan), despite it is considered as the civil liberties country, the same sex-marriage will not be allowed according to our civil legislation. I believed many people around the world are still fighting their right towards marriage equality, and I truly hope that there would be a day arrived that everyone has the right to love or obtain love regardless of the sexual, races or religious issue.

Author: culcchangy20

A diary of the fashion student

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